Sharing a family meal every day is a powerful antidote to drug and alcohol abuse and addiction.This podcast explores how different families engage around challenging subjects. We host the conversation at a local restaurant partner, led by our Program Director Theresa Bairos, LMFT. Join us!
Prevention Speakers
This episode featured a discussion on the strategies used to design a comprehensive prevention program through authenticity and personal experiences.
Tonight’s episode featured our prevention speakers sharing their experience of learning how to utilize their personal experiences with substance use & abuse to play a comprehensive role in preventing early substance use in teens. Our speakers were Lyndsey, who celebrated 15 years in recovery and is the mother of two preschool-aged children, Marianna who is the mother of a middle school student, Katie who is yet to be a mom and Danny, who celebrates his third year in recovery as he prepares to pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology.
Download the report here.